bookmark_borderHowTo: Make Your Own Metronome

Hello there! It’s been a while that I don’t post any electronic HowTo. Since I started electric engineering my life have been quite busy, studying a lot, but some days ago I have made a simple project in which I created a metronome using some simple parts you can find in any electronic shop. And I decided to share with everyone this blog. So if you are interested, so let’s start!

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bookmark_borderHowTo: Blinking LEDs

Listening to music on my PC (proudly using WINAMP), I was wondering how it would be to have some LEDs blinking with the sound that came out from the P2 connector. So I decided to make a simple circuit to do that. It worked pretty well, so I decided to write a post with step-by-step instructions on how to do it. Hope you enjoy it!

Continue reading “HowTo: Blinking LEDs”